Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Uganda has captured my heart!

I don’t know where to start?  Uganda has captured my heart. Masaka is my home. I have this feeling here like I have been here before, like this is my home and I have come back. I know I sound sappy and cheesy but it is really the only way I can describe my time here this far.

I enjoy the food, the people and the weather. I feel accepted and like my practicum is the place for me to be. I have learned so much about myself in these past few weeks. The technical things are good to learn. Like mental health here and how people view it. The medications used… however it is the non-technical stuff like going into the community and peoples home then eventually their hearts is what has moved and changed me.

I came with the intention of learning about the traditional ways of the Ugandan people. I have since met many traditional healers and birth attendants that have been open to sharing their work and culture. This is the most amazing experience I could not have even imagined it to be. I feel a strong connection to what they believe and our traditional beliefs and practices at home with my people.

I didn’t use the word blessed until recently because I honestly feel blessed. I feel touched and honoured to have this time here sharing, learning and growing. I look forward to the weeks that come and I also feel a little sense of dread to go home and leave a piece of my heart here.

I have experienced music, dancing, food, language, art and culture. I am open to new experiences as they come. I have gotten my hair braided and the people here have really taken to it. I have taken it out after the month is over but I miss the braids already and know I will do it again before we leave. I have gotten a traditional dress called a Gomez made for me and I will be wearing it to an introduction that I have been invited to on our last day here. I think such an experience on my last day is really a fantastic way to say goodbye.  

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