Friday, 18 May 2012

Has it really been a full month! Holly

It has been 1 month! I still find this so hard to believe, but I am kind of glad I have made it to this point without any big rough patches. I have been getting over some sort of sinus infection but I feel by tomorrow I will be feeling a great deal better. Each day that passes I get healthier and healthier which is good, ill actually be able to put all of my attention towards my work. At this stage in my practicum I am getting a few mixed emotions, on one hand I am so excited to be working 3 days with Mary at Kakunyu but then on the other hand I am sad that the children from Anaweza are getting back into school and shortening my days there to 2. There is still so much more to come of this adventure and I am more than happy to explore it.

Anaweza has taken a small piece of my heart and I am sure it is going to stay there. Every day I fall more and more in love with these children. As everyone does I have a few I have become very attached to and there is no way saying goodbye is going to be easy. I have forgot how full of life children are with me being in school, working and being caught up in this crazy adult life, They fall down, get hurt and two seconds later they are back at it. It kind of makes me think... Maybe I need to stop taking my advice from adults and start working off of the examples lead by children. In some way I think they are a great deal stronger and independent than any one adult I know. 

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